

小花考完試後 放了暑假 就飛奔來台北萬里尋夫了

依照平常慣例 到台北車站接小花時 一定要先來個熱情的親親啦!IMG_4469.JPG

然後在火車站地下街 吃了好吃的小六手工拉麵 叫了一堆東西大吃特吃 餵食小花計畫開始了 呵呵

吃完了 小籠包 紅油抄手 海鮮卷 大碗拉麵後 逛呀逛的 看到這個超屌的終結者

做的真的很細膩耶 IMG_4466.JPG

在人來人往的台北車站這樣親親 還是很害羞的啦

然後回家抱抱 說颱風要來呢 因為早上去了這個

Very glad to get in touch with you today!

As said, here I have a potential opportunity which I’d like to set up a discussion with you for further understanding.

Please be kindly informed for the following arrangement:

Date: 2009/ 06/ 17 ()

Time: 10:00 am

Place: 台北市敦化南路二段10510

Before our meeting, please also forward me your updated CV and 作品集 for future application purpose.

有點累 所以早早休息


As discussed this morning, I will be waiting for your updated profile in order to begin your recommendation process.

Suppose if you can provide to me by tomorrow noon, I should be able to deliver it to DEM within this week and have some progress to share by next week.

Nevertheless, anything unclear during the process, please feel free to contact me upon needs.

小花很乖巧的在看書 我在認真的把過去的設計都整理一遍 轉成pdf檔 好多好多呦





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